Friday, November 10, 2006


I just wanted to drop you a quick line and tell you about a VERY COOL Forum just launched by Russell Brunson.
It's called the "Conquer Your Niche" forum and from what I know and what I see it will be the most popular online forum about internet marketing.Getting involved in forums is one of the best ways to network while online.

Now Russell and I think alike sometimes. And this is one idea that I think rocks! (Really, I wish I thought of it.)
Could you imagine a forum going Viral? You will see why it will and hot it will BENEFIT you, but only if you do 2 things.

#1 - Join right now. (Really... ASAP)

#2 - Tell everyone you know. (ASAP)

Here's why:
You'll get to display an ad on the forum. And he'll give you advertisement credits every time you post, reply, or even READ a post.
Plus you'll get to interact with the top marketers in the business. I just checked out who's joined so far and I was amazed!

Check it out here:
"Conquer Your Niche"

Signing up is free...and your ad will start displaying
I know... You can thank me later ;)

To Your Success,

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